Sunday, August 28, 2011

Book a lament for the future of polar bears
Polar bears are smart: Japanese zookeepers, for example, tried to prevent a bear named Gogo from getting too bored by hanging a piece of meat just out of her reach. After about four months of jumping, the bear learned how to throw a piece of plastic pipe at the meat to knock it down.

Polar bears are powerful: In Alaska, biologists conducting an aerial survey found a spot where polar bears had dragged 40 beluga whales out of the sea.

Polar bears are not cute and cuddly: Usually the only thing stopping a hungry male from eating a polar bear cub is the mother. She will sometimes fight to the death to prevent that from happening.

Polar bears can be cute and cuddly: The Inuit don't chain their sled dogs while they're hunting because polar bears will eat them, given the chance.
Wolves kill bears: In and around Churchill, Man., where hundreds of polar bears spend the summer and fall months waiting for ice to form, wolves have learned how to distract females so they can get at and kill their cubs.
Cambodian activists attending Climate Change/Social Change conference | Green Left Weekly
The conference is being organised by Green Left Weekly, Socialist Alliance and Resistance at the University of Melbourne over September 30-October 3. It aims to promote recognition that in order to solve the global climate crisis, radical social change is required.
‘Ecosocialism or barbarism: There is no third way’ | Green Left Weekly
Ian Angus is a veteran of the socialist and environmental movements in Canada and internationally. He is a featured guest speaker at the Climate Change Social Change activist conference, which will take place in Melbourne, from September 30 to October 3.
Angus says: “One hundred and fifty years ago, Karl Marx predicted that unless capitalism was eliminated the great productive forces it unleashed would turn into destructive forces.

“And that’s exactly what has happened. Every day we see more evidence that capitalism, which was once the basis for an unprecedented wave of creativity and liberation, has transformed itself into a force for destruction, decay and death.
John Bellamy Foster: ‘Capitalism is unable to respond to climate change’ | Green Left Weekly
Renowned Marxist economist and ecologist John Bellamy Foster is a feature guest speaker at the World at a Crossroads: Climate Change Social Change conference, which will take place in Melbourne over September 30 to October 3.
[Obama] has just approved a 1,700 oil pipeline from the Albert tar sands to the Texas coast--one of the worst measures conceivable from the standpoint of climate change. In other words, the situation in the United States seems to confirm that there is no hope to be found at present anywhere in the system where climate change is concerned.

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