Thursday, August 25, 2011

Brolly And Sunblock June/July – 95th Coldest Since 1659 | Real Science
June and July in England were the coldest since 1987, and almost three degrees colder than 1676.
Nature : Six Month Long ENSO Events Are Now Climate | Real Science
But …. I thought climate was like 30 years or something ……
CERN: 'Climate models will need to be substantially revised' • The Register
Svensmark, who is no longer involved with the CERN experiment, says he believes the solar-cosmic ray factor is just one of four factors in climate. The other three are: volcanoes, a "regime shift" that took place in 1977, and residual anthropogenic components.

When Dr Kirkby first described the theory in 1998, he suggested cosmic rays "will probably be able to account for somewhere between a half and the whole of the increase in the Earth's temperature that we have seen in the last century."
What’s so weird about the weather? | By Tim Ball and Tom Harris | Financial Post
Contrary to official temperature records, observational evidence from around the world indicates that we are in a period of cooling almost certainly caused by solar changes. This is expected to continue and deepen and poses the real threat to Prairie and Canadian agriculture, most of which is confined to a narrow strip along our southern border. Fifty percent of crops in Manitoba cannot be grown with a 0.5°C overall temperature drop and much of Canadian agriculture is eliminated entirely by a 1°C cooling. It’s a trend made more threatening because the government, misled by decades of corrupted, predetermined science, plans only for warming.

The $2.5-million “weird weather” study is just the latest example of misleading science taking us in a completely the wrong direction.

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