Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jim Prentice pushed cap and trade on Alberta: federal briefing notes | iPolitics
TORONTO — A former Conservative cabinet minister attempted to convince Alberta politicians to accept a more stringent regulatory approach to curbing climate change in 2009, newly released documents show.
The (polar) bear facts -
...Meaning that the catastrophic scenarios pushed by warming alarmists are way off.

Of course, the point of all the huffing and puffing is to empower governments and force nations (particularly the US) to spend trillions of dollars, ostensibly to avert climatic disaster, no matter what the data show.

And for some true believers, the temptation to fudge the facts is simply too strong, as was revealed by the Climategate e-mails.

Bottom line: Forget the refrain that climate-change science is settled. There’s no need to weep for “threatened” polar bears just yet — nor, especially, for the planet.

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