Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ocean Current Could Lead To Cooling Of Northern Hemisphere Climate - Irish Weather Online
Climate specialists have been concerned that the conveyor belt is slowing down due to a rise in global temperatures. They suggest that increasing amounts of fresh water from melting ice and other warming-related phenomena are making their way into the northern North Atlantic, where it could freeze, which would prevent the water from sinking and decrease the need for the loop to deliver as much warm water as it does now. Eventually, this could lead to a colder climate in the northern hemisphere.
Maxine Waters: ‘The tea party can go straight to hell’
So much for dialing back the rhetoric, right?
That proclamation was met with cheers from the audience, including attendees sporting purple SEIU T-shirts.
The Media (and Presidential Candidates) Remain In Error On The Distinction Between Global Warming And Climate Change | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
it is shown that the role of humans in the climate system is much more than CO2 and a few other greenhouse gases, and, indeed the other human climate forcings may be more important (e.g. see with respect to the spatial gradient of radiative aerosols).
Science Media Centre » Blog Archive » Reconciling cold weather and global warming
You might have had better luck selling ice to eskimos than peddling global warming theory on the streets of Wellington this week. After an almost unprecedented wall of snow and ice blasted its way up New Zealand to tickle the Bombay Hills, you could forgive the average frost-bitten person on the street for being a tad sceptical about our planet getting hotter.

At times like these, the inbox of James Renwick, principal climate scientist at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, fills up with emails from disbelievers who tell him – in slightly more colourful terms – to look out his window.

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