Tuesday, August 30, 2011

PRELIMINARY August 2011 SST Anomaly Update | Bob Tisdale – Climate Observations
Based on the preliminary data Monthly NINO3.4 SST anomalies are at -0.49 deg C, just above the threshold of a La Niña. And that’s a significant drop from last month.
Soft hearts should not be accompanied by soft heads | Atomic Insights
With Vermont Yankee running, the state of Vermont produces emission-free nuclear electricity that is equal to 85% of its total consumption. (Only about 30% of the output of Vermont Yankee is actually consumed inside the borders of Vermont, but all of its power is produced inside the borders of Vermont.) If Vermont Yankee is forced to close 20 years before the end of its federally approved, technically evaluated license to operate, the state’s economy would almost instantaneously shift from the least carbon intensive to somewhere near the middle of the pack among US states in per capital carbon emissions.
Bearing Witness - 1 October, Manchester - Tearfund
We’ll then walk together to Manchester Cathedral for a service at 5pm along with CAFOD and Christian Aid. Elaine Storkey, Tearfund's President, will be leading the service and Professor Tinyiko Maluleke, a South African theologian, will be preaching on how the global church can lead on action to tackle climate change. The service will be followed by a procession around the Conservative Party Conference venue and candlelit vigil to pray for the Government to live up to its "Greenest Government Ever" pledge.
IPCC Vice Chair van Ypersele Suppresses Open Scientific Inquiry – Shuts Down SEII Skeptic Forum
Yes, that cancellation of open scientific debate was brought about by a “forceful intervention” by IPCC vice president Jean-Pascal van Ypersele

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