Thursday, August 18, 2011

SCHNARE: Campaign advice for 'all of the abovers' - Washington Times
Because dirty, costly wind energy is masquerading as an essential element in “all of the above” as outcomes, the Republican candidates who cite it stray from conservative limited-government principles and instead adopt a coercive policy when it comes to energy. In effect, the “all of the abovers” tacitly support the climate-change “solution” agenda without acknowledging that there’s a problem in the first place.

The presidential candidates who want the support of fiscally conservative, sensible environmentalists should put sound science and free-market principles ahead of compulsion and subvention, and therefore should promote the options for the most economical energy available, without subsidies and mandates.
Perry in New Hampshire on Global Warming - By Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore - National Review Online
No wonder Dems hate Perry as he has the ability to articulate his position in a way that doesn’t make him sound like a cuckoo-clock.
The CLIMATE SCEPTICS Blog: President Vaclav Klaus - The Mass Delusion of Climate Change
[13-minute video]
Have Solar Panels, Will Travel -
With its upper deck covered with over 5,300 square feet of photovoltaic solar panels, the Tûranor PlanetSolar is unlike any ship you’ve ever seen. Sleek and sexy, it looks more like a spaceship than something that travels the seven seas.
To be sure, the Tûranor PlanetSolar, financed by various sponsors, is a scientific experiment rather than something that will be mass-produced for commercial use. Moreover, its route does not stray far from the equator to ensure that a maximum amount of sunlight is available — hardly an option for the commercial shipping industry.

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