Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Trying to put the Climategate genie back in the bottle

The Climategate genie will not easily go back into the bottle.  My proposal for increased transparency, more attention to uncertainty and overall greater scientific integrity is the only way to get the genie back into the bottle (although this will be a very slow process.)   When I have commended the efforts of the climate auditors, people have asked who is auditing the auditors?  Well, that is John Mashey, Anna Haynes, and Deep Climate.  While I find their rhetoric and some of their tactics to be often rather distasteful, what they are doing is (for the most part) legitimate investigation.  What I don't understand is why Michael Mann is threatening people with lawsuits over trivial things.  I defended Mann against what I perceived as harassment by Cuccinelli, but what he is doing against Tim Ball and Minnesotans for Global Warming stoops to the same level.  Whatever Mann's motivation might be, this basically looks like "strong arm tactics" and "sharp practices" to squelch skeptical/critical voices.  These kind of tactics from an academic reinforce the accusations made against our field as a result of Climategate.

Less time "exploring the underbelly of climate denial" and more time making your data publicly available and understanding/characterizing uncertainty, please.

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