Friday, August 19, 2011

William M. Briggs, Statistician » Alien Invasions To Increase Because Of Global Warming, Scientists
Eco-warriors from beyond the skies are on their way to destroy our world before we do—women and minorities are expected to be hardest hit—according to a shocking new report from scientists at Penn State and NASA.

Seems these little Greenpeace men from Mars might be incensed because we’ve released too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere for their taste. Humanity, ET might surmise, must be eliminated “To improve galactic infrastructure.”
Atmosphere of Mars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The atmosphere on Mars consists of 95% carbon dioxide
Tracking Species as They Flee Ever Higher -
What is more, a large minority of species were observed to move in the opposite direction from what was predicted — for instance, to lower elevations and closer to the equators.
Himalayan Glacier Disappearance Overstated | The Resilient Earth
Basically, lazy scientists picked the low hanging fruit in terms of gathering field data and, by doing so, have biased the results. Further more, that bias is toward glacial melting, the result desired by climate change alarmists. Naturally, if researchers gets the result they want, they look no further. So despite a non-representative, too small sample set, the IPCC and its fellow warmists ran with the melting Himalayan glacier story anyway.

This should surprise no one, for it is the modus operandi of the entire climate change cabal: take biased, inconclusive, or even contradictory results and spin them into calamitous predictions to frighten the public. In just the last few months we have found that shrinking arctic ice coverage is not anywhere near record low levels for the Holocene, attempts to estimate climate sensitivity from paleodata and models cannot be reconciled and the measured amount of radiant energy leaving the Earth is higher than that used in climate models, meaning the models have been wrong for decades,.

Fujita & Nuimura are to be commend for telling it as it is—reports of the Himalayan glaciers' demise are unwarranted. As are all the other tales of eco-terror told by the global warming charlatans. When will the climate alarmists learn? Inconclusive science, presented as settled science, is actually bad science.

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