Friday, September 02, 2011

Australia Gets Ten Times Bigger Solar Farm Following Carbon Tax | CleanTechnica
In its first solar investment in Australia, GE Energy and Financial Services has partnered with US thin-film producer First Solar and local state-owned energy firm Verve Energy to build a solar farm ten times larger than any yet built in the country. It will supply electricity for a desalination plant in Western Australia, which has a mandate to use renewable power for all new desalination projects.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds fire activity was highest when CO2 levels were "safe"
A paper published today in Geophysical Research Letters reconstructs the annual area burned in the Northern Rockies from 1626 to 2008 and finds the periods of greatest fire activity were in the early 1600's and during the period 1929-1945, both of which had "safe" levels of CO2 below 350 ppm.
C3: More Obama Green Boondoggles: GM Only Sells 302 Volts During August & 'Solar' Solyndra Goes Bankrupt
The Government Motors (GM) billion dollar+ electric vehicle (the Volt) is definitely not shocking the market. Obama's massive taxpayer funded EV is providing proof positive why government should not be involved in the private sector.
The energy-efficient lightbulbs that keep us in the dark - Telegraph
Perhaps it is a little narrow to object to energy-saving bulbs because they don’t bloody work. The EU is surely considering far more far-reaching ways to save energy. A ban on washing-up machines, I wouldn’t mind. No one needs a washing-up machine. Bans may also be expected on boxes of matches, lavatory cisterns, toasters, kettles that heat water above 50C, herpetaria, hot-water bottles, Welsh rabbits, unfrosted window panes, open-air chestnut sellers, fireworks, crème brûlée, farriers, escalators, hot-air balloons, blowlamps, candy-floss and kippers.

That would save lots of energy. And if it were all phased in gently, like the extinction of light bulbs, no one would say a word.

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