Monday, September 05, 2011

- Bishop Hill blog - Santer says
[Santer] A single decade of observational TLT data is therefore inadequate for identifying a slowly evolving anthropogenic warming signal. Our results show that temperature records of at least 17 years in length are required for identifying human effects on global-mean tropospheric temperature.
Anti-Science At Texas Tech | Real Science
There is a huge problem with her thinking. Most of the glacial melt occurred before 1952, when CO2 was below 320 PPM. Why didn’t she mention this in her presentation?
1910-1940 Warming Was Faster | Real Science
From 1910-1940, the Earth warmed at a rate of 1.6C per century. Since 1950, it has slowed to 1.2C per century. During the earlier warming, CO2 was below 320 PPM.

Observed warming clearly has little or nothing to do with CO2. Why do climate scientists keep lying about this?
Warmist scientists feed propaganda | Climate Nonconformist
It doesn’t help the debate when supposedly credible scientists go on a rampage such as this, denying skeptical arguments and slandering anyone who dares to contradict them. Will Steffan is also an offender in this regard. There are also those who purport to be climate scientists, like Bill Nye and Robyn Williams. It is these who feed the global warming propaganda, who are responsible for the current hysteria, and the impending carbon tax.

While these alarmists may say to be skeptical is an illegitimate and unscientific position, I say no informed individual can reasonably claim the science is settled.

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