Friday, September 02, 2011

"Blog-review": Journal editor resigns because of "internet discussions" | Australian Climate Madness
“Various internet discussion fora”? Is this guy for real? So a few trolls on warmist sites, such as RealClimate and Climate Progress, convinced the editor of a peer-review journal to step down because he published a paper which challenged the consensus? “I agree with the critics of the paper”? Is that how peer review works? Editor of journal decides that the trolls are right and that’s that? No, if there were problems with the paper, they should be refuted by further peer-reviewed papers, not by the whim of one editor who chooses to fall on his sword to make a point.
Texas’ official water plan defiantly includes no mention of climate change | Grist
The last time Texas created a long-term water plan, in 2007, it conspicuously and controversially left out any mention of the effects of climate change on the state's water resources. In the midst of a drought of biblical proportions, one line from that report in particular stands out...
Environmental Health Perspectives: Climate Change and Infectious Disease: Is the Future Here?
One thing that seems fairly clear is that not all areas will see uniform shifts in infectious diseases; these, like other climate-related changes, will be highly dependent on local factors.10 “In some areas [in the United States] we expect to see a disease increase, and in others areas we expect to see a decrease. How climate change will affect that is really a wildcard at this time,” says Ben Beard, associate director for climate change at the CDC’s National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases.
Lawrence Solomon: Our cosmic climate | FP Comment | Financial Post
As the lead author of the CERN study puts it, there is “strong evidence” that the Sun affects the climate through some mechanism, and “a cosmic ray influence on clouds is a leading candidate.” CO2 is not.
Women unseen victims of resource wars linked to climate change
Experts have indicated that women are more likely to be unseen victims of resource wars and violence directly related to adverse effects of climate change.

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