Tuesday, September 13, 2011

California governor chastises Pacific climate [scam] efforts
(San Francisco, USA) - California's Governor Jerry Brown on Tuesday accused Pacific Rim nations of failing on climate change and warned that the problem would only grow more serious with inaction.

Speaking to transportation and energy ministers from the 21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum gathered in San Francisco, Brown said that eco-friendly investments would create much-needed jobs.

"Leaders and officials from Washington all the way throughout the Pacific Rim seem to have forgotten about global warming, but global warming hasn't forgotten about us," Brown said.
Merkel’s Solyndra – Germany’s Green Industries Start Their Collapse
The latest to bite the economic bullet are a biofuel plant in Freiberg, and Germany’s E10 ethanol blended fuel.

Merkel’s Solyndra – Choren Industries GmbH goes insolvent
The PJ Tatler » Geoengineering: Will It Ever Stop Being So Funny?
Next to the Gore Effect, the only joy I take from the Anthropogenic Global Warming movement is that it birthed the fad of Geoengineering. It’s kind of like sixth-grade social studies — “we should drag icebergs from the South Pole to Africa to end thirst!” — but it involves adults: soft scientists masquerading as the real kind competing to devise the largest Rube Goldberg device, extra points awarded when the project looks likely to run into the quadrillions, winner gets a mention in the NY Times Freakonomics blog.
Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis
On September 10, Arctic sea ice extent was 4.34 million square kilometers (1.68 million square miles). This was 110,000 square kilometers (42,500 square miles) above the 2007 value on the same date...While the University of Bremen and other data may show slightly different numbers, all of the data agree that Arctic sea ice is continuing its long-term decline.

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