Thursday, September 08, 2011

CO2 Dementia | Real Science
CO2 levels were 10-20X higher for most of the last 600 million years.

Based on the expert testimony of our top climate morons scientists, we can be certain that all life forms were destroyed as quickly as they were created – because the weather was so extreme that no life could possibly survive. Sea levels must have been hundreds or thousands of feet higher than they are now, and hurricanes and tornadoes must have roared continuously across a drought and flood covered hot/cold landscape.
A climate change dynamic « Climate Change
The presumption that ‘the science is settled’ is incorrect.

This post aims to give readers an understanding of the dynamics of the coupled circulation of the stratosphere and the troposphere at the poles that drives surface pressure, the temperature of the troposphere, cloud cover and surface temperature. It recently appeared at Watts Up With That. Here, in the interests of clarity, it appears in slightly expanded form.
ABC News Watch: Backward briefing: a case of foot in mouth UPDATE
In July ABC's Wendy Carlisle made a number of factual errors in a report on Lord Christopher Monckton. We raised a complaint with the ABC over these. We also suggested that Ms Carlisle's objectivity was severely compromised due to her emotional entanglement with her subject, and as a result the report lacked balance. The following is a summary of our complaint and ABC's reply. Oddly it seems ABC's managing director has become directly involved and has chosen to employ "director's privilege" to avoid dealing with the factual errors in the broadcast. We are somewhat mystified that this matter required his attention, and it seems ABC have taken unusual steps to avoid admitting they are wrong.
C3: NOAA Says U.S. Cooling Over Last 15 Years: -3.2°F/Century Rate, As of August 2011
For the 10-year period ending August 2011 (September 1, 2001 thru August 31, 2011 - 120 months), the cooling trend accelerates to a very significant minus 10.9°F per century rate - again, per the updated NOAA/NCDC temperature records.

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