Thursday, September 01, 2011

Committee Ramps Up Investigation into President’s Flagship Stimulus Jobs “Success Story” that Filed For Bankruptcy – Leaders Press White House For Documents
The Committee leaders go on to write, “President Obama and other Administration officials have repeatedly touted Solyndra and its prospects in visits to its manufacturing facility and in speeches. … When President Obama visited the company in May 2010 to tour its manufacturing facilities, he noted that ‘the true engine of economic growth will always be companies like Solyndra.’ Despite these statements on its prospects, Solyndra has experienced serious financial setbacks since receiving the DOE loan guarantee. Just after the President’s visit to Solyndra, the company cancelled a planned initial public offering. In November 2010, Solyndra announced that it was postponing a planned expansion of its facility and laying off 135 temporary or part-time workers and 40 full-time employees. In February of this year, DOE was forced to restructure the terms of Solyndra’s loan guarantee due to the company’s financial problems.”
Passing wind | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
It’s remarkable how a twitch of the weather could persuade serious people of a man-made Armageddon:
Warning Signs: Global Warming and GOP Politics
Here’s a handy guide to the campaigns to be the Republican candidate in 2012. Any effort to advance the “global warming” hoax, discredited since 2009 when it was revealed that the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change computer models were all rigged, should disqualify a candidate from serious consideration.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: After blowing $593 million on failed solar companies, Obama plans to blow $622 million more on new solar companies
The recent bankruptcies of solar companies Evergreen Solar and Obama extra-special-favorite Solyndra have cost taxpayers a combined $593 million. Now, the Obama administration is in the process of guaranteeing loans for $622 million more to new solar companies likewise destined to failure in competition with low-cost solar panels from China.

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