Friday, September 09, 2011

Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » I Don’t Think This is Settled
I won’t get into the depths of this, except to show two charts. The first is from Dessler in the alarmist camp, the second is the same chart but using a different data series. I won’t explain the axes, just trust the relationship between these two variables is key to diagnosing the size and direction of feedback.
Al Gore reflects on Rick Perry
Gore plans a 24-hour "Climate Reality Project" event in cities worldwide next week, and he lamented that only Jon Huntsman, the former Utah governor and U.S. ambassador to China, has embraced climate science among the GOP presidential candidates.

"Evidently it requires courage, because he has been pummeled for it," Gore said. "It won't help him for me to say it, of course.
Which word was missing from Obama’s speech last night? « Hot Air
Taxpayers just lost over a half-billion dollars on way-below-market-rate loans to Solyndra, which turns out to be connected to an Obama donor who spent a lot of time at the White House, and who will get his money out of Solyndra before taxpayers do thanks to a curious structure to those taxpayer-funded loan guarantees. Hint: when the FBI raids a company that the President heralded as the vanguard of the new green-energy revolution, it’s not exactly a rousing validation of that administration’s policies.
Comparing the SOTU Speech to Yesterday’s - By Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore - National Review Online
From January’s State of the Union — Green jobs will save us!

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