Friday, September 02, 2011

Croat scientist warns that ice age could start in five years | Ice Age Now
Renowned physicist Vladimir Paar has revealed that Europe could be just five years away from the start of a new Ice Age, says this article in the Croatian Times.
American Communities and the World's Climate Will Suffer from Tar Sands Pipeline | Frances Beinecke's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC
This week three NRDC staffers were arrested outside of the White House in protest of the Keystone XL pipeline that would carry dirty tar sands oil from Alberta to Texas. They did this as private citizens—NRDC as an institution does not engage in civil disobedience. I admire how they have put personal actions behind deeply held views.
‘Do you really need to print this email?’ messages may not be enough to save planet, warn scientists | NewsBiscuit
Environmental campaigners were left reeling today after scientists questioned their strategy to save the planet’s rainforests and halt catastrophic climate change simply by adding the question ‘Do you really need to print this message?’ to the bottom of every email.
FA launches ‘Let’s Kick Climate Change Denial Out of Football’ campaign | NewsBiscuit
Football fans who make offensive chants about wind turbines could face stiff jail sentences under plans by the government and the Football Association to ‘get tough’ with climate change deniers.
The New Nostradamus of the North: Australian study: 18% reduction in log availability in 2050 due to global warming
The (probably quite large) ABARES team of researchers seem to have made good use of the various models created by alarmist climate scientists. However, knowing the widely known amazing accuracy of these models, it is somewhat surprising that the Australian researchers have not actually been able to give the exact number of logs missing due to human caused global warming in the year 2050. Or maybe the logs are numbered in an appendix?

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