Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Flames Light the Prairie and Warm the Planet - NYTimes.com
A full 30 percent of the natural gas produced in North Dakota is now being flared, compared with about 2 percent typically at other fields around the country.
Killing Ugandans to save the planet – Telegraph Blogs
Let's just have a look at New Forests Company's list of directors, shall we, so we can get to know these delightful people better:

Chairman is Robert Devereux, ex-business partner and brother-in-law of another leading environmental campaigner, Richard Branson.

Director Jonathan R Aisbitt is ex-Goldman Sachs.

Executive director and CEO Julian Ozanne is the ex-husband of the X-Files's Gillian Anderson who starred in the infamous No Pressure video.

I'm sure that every one of these kind, caring people is properly appalled that Ugandan children are being burned alive in order to facilitate their company's carbon credit trading operation.

Then again, this wouldn't be the first time that Third World natives have become accidental casualties of the holy mission to save Mother Gaia, would it?
John O'Sullivan: Thermometer Manufacturer Destroys Greenhouse Gas Warming Myth | Climate Realists
An independent climate science think tank produces evidence from a leading infrared thermometer manufacturer proving that climatologists were mistakenly taking incorrect readings of atmospheric temperatures. Latest findings are set to trigger a paradigm shift in climate science.

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