Saturday, September 03, 2011

Global warming hoax promoter Greg Laden: We know the warming isn't natural because (cough...mumble)

Global Warming: Separating the noise from the signal : Greg Laden's Blog
Numerous studies have identified a human "fingerprint" in global temperature change, and they do so by looking at temperature change over several decades, as described above. In doing this, the influence of year to year or other short term "noise" is reduced, allowing the identification of a signal caused by greenhouse gases.
...Global-scale warming over the 32-years from 1979 to 2010 is now four times larger than computer model estimates of internal climate "noise" on the same timescale. Purely natural changes in climate are highly unlikely to explain the overall warming trend in the UAH data.

1 comment:

Greg Laden said...

Thank you for the link!