Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[Healing the planet]: Obama's envoy for climate change casts doubt on Kyoto protocol | Environment | guardian.co.uk
Todd Stern hints progress at climate talks in South Africa may stall with insistence on limits on greenhouse gas emissions
Todd Stern, the US president's envoy for climate change, said the European Union was the only remaining "major player" that would potentially support a continuation of the protocol after its provisions expire in 2012. The lack of support from other countries bodes ill for the forthcoming talks at Durban.
Stern warned that the US would not countenance a new climate regime that contained "escape hatches" for some countries, and hinted that countries now labelled as "developing" should be drawn into taking on obligations on emissions.
Hans Schreuder: Letter to the UK Trades Union Congress (TUC) on Climate Change | Climate Realists
you appear unaware of two issues:

1. There has never been any proof positive that human activities have influenced the climate and

2. Reducing "emissions" [of carbon dioxide] will lead to wholesale job losses and widespread poverty.
Torpedoing Of The Use Of The Global Average Surface Temperature Trend As The Diagnostic For Global Warming | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
A final comment on this paper, if heat really is deposited deep into the ocean (i.e. Joules of heat) it will dispersed through the ocean at these depths and unlikely to be transferred back to the surface on short time periods, but only leak back upwards if at all. The deep ocean would be a long-term damper of global warming, that has not been adequately discussed in the climate science community.
Times Atlas To Print New World Map Without Tuvalu, Maldives, Manhattan etc – Telegraph Blogs
"All right, it may not be strictly geographically accurate to say the Maldives and Tuvalu will definitely have disappeared in about ten years time when our next edition appears," said Times Atlas spokesman David Rose. "But did you see that picture of the Maldives cabinet holding a meeting underwater? If the Maldives government says the Maldives are drowning, they must be drowning. And frankly I think it's despicable, all those deniers who are saying it was just a publicity stunt, cooked up by green activist Mark Lynas, to blackmail the international community into giving the Maldives more aid money while simultaneously trying to lure green Trustafarians to come and spend £1500 a night in houses on stilts with gold-plated organic recyclable eco-toilets made of rare earth minerals from China. Why would a government lie about something as serious as climate change?"

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