Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hearing on Solyndra Won't Include Executives -
Democrats on the committee are putting forward the argument that they were misled by officials of the company, Solyndra — an argument that may be impossible for the Energy Department itself to make, since the department has been an observer on the Solyndra board since February.

Two company officials were invited to testify but declined.
Al Gore Shuns Rick Perry, Outs the Host on Colbert Report [video]
Stephen Colbert welcomed former Vice President Al Gore to the Report tonight for a wide-ranging chat—just kidding, it was mostly about global warming because, duh, Al Gore. That notwithstanding, the interview did have two standout moments, including Gore's refusal to reciprocate Rick Perry's 1988 endorsement of him, as well as a conversation about Keith Olbermann that ended with Gore accidentally "outing" Colbert as a character. Here are both of them in one video.
September 13, 2011 - Al Gore - The Colbert Report - Full Episode Video | Comedy Central
September 13, 2011 - Al Gore
Barack Obama unveils his jobs plan, Paul Krugman discusses the Lesser Depression, and Al Gore focuses on climate reality.
The Year Of Living Dishonestly | Real Science
2011 is a record year for climate bullshit. Hansen started out the year by announcing that 2010 was the hottest year ever (by 0.01 degrees.) HadCrut, RSS and UAH disagreed. It didn’t matter – the press ran with it.

Then they blamed record snow on global warming, and said they predicted it all along.

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