Friday, September 30, 2011

Listen up, Prime Minister - drop the carbon tax to win back Australia |
PUBLIC support for the carbon tax has tanked, with one in three people now more likely to vote Labor if it dumped the policy.
For Want Of Climate Urgency | The Energy Collective
It’s so bad, in fact, that it’s become almost impossible to talk about it with any degree of frankness and at any appreciable depth and breadth without instantly sounding like a nut case standing on a street corner wearing a “THE END IS NEAR” sandwich board.
Al Gore: U.S. Democracy ‘Hacked’ by Anti-Warming Special Interests | PEOPLEUNLIKEUS
The BBC said Gore’s speech included “a strong attack on the effect of lobbying and money-raising on the U.S. Congress, and on carbon producers who he said employ four Washington lobbyists for every member of Congress.”
“Although developments in this sector remain at an early stage, let me tell you that the whole world is rooting for you,” it quoted him as saying.
ABC News Commits Random Act of Journalism on Solyndra - The Rush Limbaugh Show
It's not about the green industry and it isn't about green jobs. It's about getting green into the Democrat coffers. I mean, come on, folks, 45 permanent jobs resulting from $1 billion in loans, start-up costs for solar industry firms? Forty-five permanent jobs at between 16 and $23 million a job? That's not what this is about. Energy Secretary Steven Chu, who is really, really wrapped up deep in this, and if there needs to be a fall guy on this, that's who it's going to be. Mark my words.

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