Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lucky you’re not a climate “scientist” eh? Worse, you could be a skeptic. « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax
Given airtime and column inches? Are you kidding? The people pushing against the evidence don’t just get air-time and inches, they get $79 billion dollars and yearly trips to two-week-long junkets so they can pat each other on the back. What other field of science do you get to visit Cancun, Copenhagen and Bali year after year, so you can swap the latest “tricks” to hide the fact that your models don’t match any important observations?

Climate science is a special place to be.
On torturing data | Climate Etc.
although very few researchers will go as far as to make up their own data, many will “torture the data until they confess”, and forget to mention that the results were obtained by torture….

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