Saturday, September 17, 2011

Miranda Devine: Al Gore still denying climate change reality

Al Gore still denying climate change reality | Herald Sun
AS IF Al Gore's last apocalyptic PowerPoint presentation wasn't boring and deceptive enough, he had to go and do it all again - for a marathon 24 hours.

A farrago of spurious connections, conspiracy theories and misrepresented facts as outlandish as any doomsday cult's, the former US vice-president's Climate Reality Project finally ended at 10am on Friday.
It was hate speech posing as reasonableness and sound thinking. Gore essentially incites hatred against those who dissent from his evangelical thesis, which once looked so plausible. Ever since the overhyped 2009 Copenhagen climate summit flopped, opinion polls show the wheels have fallen off the climate alarm bandwagon.

This is what happens to the boy who cries wolf. No one listens any more.


Anonymous said...

Gore's, ecofascists and msm main role is to divert humankind from the preparation for the next ice age. For the moment, unfortunately, they succeed...

renewableguy said...

Hmmmm. Sounds like your mind is made up about the world. Science is never settled and yet 97% of peer review writing scientists agree that there is a strong human link to global warming.

Sarcasm and denial speak just doesn't change reality.

Anonymous said...

Next big quake or volcanic eruption (BS, according Goreacle), will CHANGE reality, as always did, and MORE ecofascists will CHANGE course AGAINST arrogant COLLAPSING neoMayansAztecsIncas!

papertiger said...


I know of a list with over 32K scientists who absolutely don't agree that there is a human link to global warming.
Strong or otherwise.
And for the upteenth time the world isn't warming. The Sun is on the wane. The Pacific is in a cooling phase with la nina's racking up one after the other. Blizzards and record snowfalls are our part to overcome.

So unless you can produce a list of 3,104,000 scientists who agree, and support your desperate grab for tax payer funding, you can stick a cork in that "97% of scientists agree" talk.

renewable guy said...

Paper tiger:

A name that befits you well. Its about the lowest quality list of scientists ever made. The world's ice is melting Paper. Proof enough for basics the world is warming. While you are lost in your political response, the science keeps coming in showing ever increasing data showing a warming world. Ignor this well my friend.

papertiger said...

Renewable guy - might as well call yourself welfare queen.

The New Dork freaking Times reports another Obama financed "renewable" company going belly up despite being on the government tit for at least $ 98 million.

Here's the key point "Nevada Geothermal, as of the market close Friday, was trading at 10 cents a share, down from $1.24 when its plant opened in 2009."

Their stock is still over priced at a dime a share, and your stack of "science" is so embarrassing even brain dead agiprop advocates with a stake in the outcome, like you, are ashamed to present it.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Renewableguy, how will you end in case of that Krakatoa volcano now ready probably for a new Tambora-like volcanic winter?
Why you pretend that volcanoes never erupt? You feel safer?