Saturday, September 03, 2011

Professor of Philosophy struggles to understand why climate realists don't believe that CO2 is overheating the Earth

Michael Ruse: Denying Evolution and Denying Global Warming: Is There a Biblical Link?
I take it that the cause and effect argument would be something like this: Modern science insists on the truth of evolution. But we know that evolution is false. Hence we should not accept modern science, at least not at face value. Why then should we accept warnings about global warming? In both cases we are getting predictions (or retrodictions) about times other than the present. If science is so unreliable about the past, why should we take it seriously about the future? The Bible is the guide to the past. The Bible is also a guide to the future. Leave it at that.
Michael Ruse
Michael Ruse is the Lucyle T. Werkmeister Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Program in the History and Philosophy of Science at Florida State University.

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