Monday, September 26, 2011

Quote of the Day: Ian Chubb | Australian Climate Madness
So let’s get this straight, because an incomplete and flaky climate model fails to predict the degree of arctic ice melt from natural causes, it has to be all man-made?

How about the alternative? The models suck. Geez.
The Reference Frame: Lindzen-Choi 2011: paper, data, scripts
If you download the 767 kB ZIP file from the first link above and unpack it, you will see the full Lindzen Choi 2011 paper, scripts, and data. This is pretty much the format in which all papers should be accessible, I think.

You got an "A" from me, Dick. And Yong-Sang, too. ;-)
The New Nostradamus of the North: Aussie chief scentist speaks about scientific "contest of ideas"
Isn´t it funny that warmist scientists like professor Chubb often speak so loftily about the "contest of ideas", but when they actually are faced with ideas and research that challenge their bogus "95% certainty", they immediately denounce them as "non-credible".

And about professor Chubb´s burning house: The only house that is likely to burn down with "95% certainty" is the warmists´ house of cards.
Chief scientist issues call over climate
"Science will always have some level of uncertainty, but if you're 95 per cent certain your house is going to burn down, do you do nothing? I don't think so."

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