Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Record Low! | Real Science
The LSM found one obscure source to claim a record low, and that was all they needed. All of their previously trusted data sources were no longer relevant.
2011 Ice Is 9% Higher Than The Same Date In 2007 | Real Science
There is a lot more ice today than the same date in 2007.

So why is Bremen claiming a record low? Enquiring minds want to know.
The CLIMATE SCEPTICS Blog: Evidence-Based Climate Science: Data opposing CO2 emissions as the primary source of global warming
The evidence against CO2 mounts - New Book edited by Don Easterbrook
Record Snow Is A Thing Of The Present | Real Science
The last four winters have been (by far) the snowiest four year period on record in North America. Joe Romm​ says that skiing is threatened by declining snow cover.
Romm Completely Loses The Plot | Real Science
Somehow he missed the part about the best ski season on record and record summer snow and run off. Is he an idiot, or just incredibly dishonest?
I don't think that's an either/or question.

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