Record Low! | Real Science
The LSM found one obscure source to claim a record low, and that was all they needed. All of their previously trusted data sources were no longer relevant.2011 Ice Is 9% Higher Than The Same Date In 2007 | Real Science
There is a lot more ice today than the same date in 2007.The CLIMATE SCEPTICS Blog: Evidence-Based Climate Science: Data opposing CO2 emissions as the primary source of global warming
So why is Bremen claiming a record low? Enquiring minds want to know.
The evidence against CO2 mounts - New Book edited by Don EasterbrookRecord Snow Is A Thing Of The Present | Real Science
The last four winters have been (by far) the snowiest four year period on record in North America. Joe Romm says that skiing is threatened by declining snow cover.Romm Completely Loses The Plot | Real Science
Somehow he missed the part about the best ski season on record and record summer snow and run off. Is he an idiot, or just incredibly dishonest?I don't think that's an either/or question.
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