Saturday, September 03, 2011

Redefining the Scientific Method–Because Climate Change Science Is Special | Watts Up With That?
Phil Jones famously said:
Kevin and I will keep them out somehow – even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!” – Phil Jones 8/7/2004
Today, we have an example
Articles: Underwhelmed by Hunstman
The fact that we are considering any remarks at all from this tinfoil candidate garnering 1-3% in the polls is a testament to his handlers' cozy connections within the Obama propaganda media.
Global Warming And Extreme Weather On Neptune | Real Science
Top scientists tell us that extreme weather is caused by excess heat in the system, which is caused by global warming – which is of course caused by man-made CO2 (AKA “carbon.”) This explains why the weather is very extreme in Honolulu, and mild in Winnipeg.

Neptune is -200C and has 1,200 MPH winds – almost supersonic. There you have it – high winds and big storms are caused by your SUV.

This message brought to you by the Union of Concerned Scientists And Marijuana Retailers.
Redefining Peer Review — Editor Resigns « the Air Vent
I would urge readers to review the resignation letter as we should discuss this for a while and it holds several important keys to what is going on.

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