Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Reference Frame: Gore effect on Climate Parody Day
Some people's immorality is just breathtaking.

Thankfully, no one in the Czech Republic is talking about this "event" at all. There is only one report in the union of all Czech media, in (fresh news server). The article criticizes Gore for breaching the ultimate barriers of morality when he asked people to donate Facebook and Twitter accounts to him – something that no activist, even if he fights for the holiest things, should ever do.

There are two comments under the article. One of them recalls that Gore is a convicted liar. The other says that this is how it usually ends up when someone makes living out of the human stupidity. Hasn't anyone watched the Rainmaker?
Ideas: What is Wrong with Global Warming Anyway?
If we have no good reason to believe that humans will be substantially worse off after global warming than before, we have no good reason to believe that it is worth bearing sizable costs to prevent global warming.
Abbott: Carbon tax "the longest political suicide note in history" | Australian Climate Madness
We aren’t reducing our emissions, we are just engaging in a massive transfer of wealth from this country to carbon traders overseas. That’s what’s happening.
Arggh, Global Warming | Climate Nonconformist
If this is the best that Al Gore’s got left, than I pity him. baseless claims of increased natural disasters and pathetic ad hominem attacks. He has lost and he knows it.

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