Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Reference Frame: Solyndra: a textbook example of green economic insanity
I share the hopes that this scandal may make huge American state-organized "investments" into Al-Gore-like fraudulent industries impossible in the future. Europe and other places are learning their lessons, too. The European lessons may look less concentrated (20% unemployment in solar Spain is just a non-story) but they speak the same overall language.

The U.S. taxpayers may have lost half a billion but this loss may have good consequences, too. Tens of millions of people may finally see the light and realize that everyone who talks about the imminent demise of carbon-based energy is a crackpot who can make you completely broke within a year.
The Govt. as Venture Capitalist, Cont. - By Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore - National Review Online
Finally, here’s a question for our valued members of Congress. We’ve been posting on Solyndra since the date of its first loan in 2009. The fact that nobody on any oversight committee, of either party, raised any serious objection until now is a bigger problem than the Solyndra bankruptcy itself.

Dear Congrees: What you’re doing now isn’t oversight, it’s grandstanding. If you can’t find time to notice that a $535 million dollar loan doesn’t make any sense, then maybe the legislative branch of government isn’t for you.
Solyndra Workers Looking for Non-Green Jobs - By Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore - National Review Online
And if you needed more proof that “green” jobs are a myth, the workers of Solyndra are applying for government assistance to learn a new trade

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