Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Schwarzenegger to Address U.N. on Climate Change | Reuters
Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will address the United Nations this week about climate change, his aides said Monday.
Twitter / @rickfedrizzi
"A focus on global climate change is a necessity in time of economic uncertainty" 1st words from Pres. Clinton
Bill Clinton: Fight Against Climate Change "Must Capture the Imagination of Ordinary People" : TreeHugger
Clinton took the floor at the end of the debate to suggest some ideas for moving forward. "We have to make ordinary people understand that this is not an economic problem but an economic opportunity," he said.
Twitter / @climatebrad: Clinton
Clinton: "The Senate is now 50 percent global warming deniers. I apologize for that."
Interview - Prof. Naomi Oreskes - Merchants of Doubt - YouTube
Uploaded by talkingsticktv on Aug 20, 2011

Interview with Prof. Naomi Oreskes co-author of the book "Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming"
Twitter / @JeffreyFeldman
Listening to #CGI2011 participants discuss climate change like taking a short vacation from GOP lala-land to reality.

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