Sunday, September 04, 2011

The Spencer and Braswell story goes viral | Watts Up With That?
I’ll bet the editor Wolfgang Wagner of Remote Sensing had no idea this sort of viral reaction would happen. On the downside, it’s a bad move for them and for the integrity of the peer review process, because IMHO, this was handled almost as badly as CRU/UEA handled Climategate itself.
...I have a feeling that this won’t end the way Wagner thought it would.
Are we in the clear? | Climate Nonconformist
In ten months, the carbon dioxide tax will come into effect. Labor may not last this long and Gillard certainly won’t. Could the tax be killed off before its even introduced? Only time will tell.
Vermont August Precipitation Increasing At A Shocking 0.00 Inches Per Century | Real Science
CO2 has increased the amount of moisture in the atmosphere, causing the same amount of rain they have always had.
Montessori student wins national scholarship
the entry from Lob, which took a year to complete and addressed the perils of global warming, drew the attention of the judges.
Porkies from Woy : Stoat
Now it is not possible to believe that you could, given the pool of climatologists, "unintentionally" select three skeptics: there are just too few of them.

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