Sunday, September 18, 2011

These people think you're stupid: A video of an absolutely huge herd of healthy-looking walruses is supposed to be evidence that CO2 hurts walruses

Climate Change Beaches 20,000 Walruses [Video]
Government scientists recently captured compelling video evidence that climate change puts Alaskan walruses at risk.
But thanks to climate change, this year’s sea ice levels are among the lowest in recorded history. So for the fourth year in a row, thousands of walruses have returned to shore in search of food.
Flashback: WWF still thinks we're stupid: They're still trying to convince us that CO2 will kill off the walruses
2009: Global Warming Could Reverse a Walrus Comeback -
For the moment, the Pacific walrus remains abundant, numbering at least 200,000 by some accounts, double the number in the 1950s.

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