Thursday, September 29, 2011

Warming Island / Greenland Sea Regional Climate and Arctic Sea Ice Reconstruction | Watts Up With That?
“Move along, there’s nothing to see here.” The Arctic sea ice has “been there and done that” many times over the last 10,000 years without any anthropogenic assistance.
“Green Job” Fallacies (Part II: What is a ‘Green’ Job?) — MasterResource
The clean economy expands its bounds by creative classification. Thus we find that energy efficiency includes 350,000 people in public mass transit, mostly bus drivers, and environmental management includes 386,000 people in waste management, formerly known as trash disposal.
- Bishop Hill blog - Community science
The problem with state funded science is that you tend to have to hand control of a great deal of money to somebody. Do we want money directed by politicians (who will spend to maximise their chances of reelection) or by bureaucrats (who will spend it as wastefully as possible in order to encourage more funding to come their way) or by scientists (who will try to shut out dissenting views).
Empirical Determination of Climate Sensitivity | Originals
By an astonishing 15 distinct methods, Christopher Monckton of Brenchley demonstrates in his latest SPPI technical paper that the warming we can expect in response to the doubling of CO2 concentration that is expected this century will not be 6 F, the IPCC’s central estimate, but only around 2 F.

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