Friday, September 02, 2011

Warmist Dessler has another opinion piece in the Houston Chronicle: Reuses lots of his own verbal garbage

Sept 2, 2011: Perry shoots the messenger on climate change - [Climate hoax promoter Andrew Dessler] - Houston Chronicle
if climate scientists truly wanted to maximize funding, we would be claiming that we had no idea why the climate is changing - a position that would certainly attract bipartisan support for increased research.
Economists have looked at this problem repeatedly over the last two decades, and virtually every mainstream economist has concluded that the costs of reducing emissions are less than the costs of unchecked climate change. The only disagreement is on the optimal level of emissions reductions.
July 10, 2011:  Texas is vulnerable to warming climate - Dessler - Houston Chronicle
Economists have looked at this problem repeatedly over the last two decades and virtually every mainstream economist has concluded that the costs of reducing emissions are less than the costs of unchecked climate change - the only disagreement is on the optimal level of emissions reductions.

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