Friday, September 02, 2011

While Politicians Deliberate Climate Change, Others Adapt
With the firm belief that every person can make a small contribution to a healthier environment, Martin suggests that individuals start by reducing their carbon footprint by just 10 percent a year and "keep at it, until they reach 90 percent over several years." It's about setting achievable goals, she explains.
Can I please see some real-life examples of individuals who have achieved this 90 percent goal?

A PR Disaster For ‘Green Jobs’
President Obama has a serious problem on his hands. First, in August, the New York Times printed an acknowledgement that the administration’s “green jobs” initiative — which the president promised would create 5 million green jobs over ten years — had failed.
Baillieu government takes axe to solar tariffs | The Australian
Environment Victoria spokesman Mark Wakeham said the move broke an election promise and was done without consultation with the industry.

"The decision to reduce support for solar power, in the same week as the decision to shut the door to new wind farm development, is extremely disappointing," he said.
Intensive Farming ‘Better For Wildlife Than Organic’
Organic farming can be less effective at protecting wildlife than intensive methods, according to research that undermines its claim to be the most environmentally friendly form of agriculture.

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