Wednesday, September 14, 2011

White House pushed $500 million loan to solar company now under investigation - The Washington Post
The Obama White House tried to rush federal reviewers for a decision on a nearly half-billion-dollar loan to the solar-panel manufacturer Solyndra so Vice President Biden could announce the approval at a September 2009 groundbreaking for the company’s factory, newly obtained e-mails show.
Is there electoral gold in Solyndra? - The Week
Solyndra executives made more than 20 visits to the White House between March 2009 and April 2011. Was it a coincidence that Solyndra ended up with an interest rate from the feds at one-fourth the going rate for green-jobs projects?
The New Nostradamus of the North: Solyndra - A major scandal for Obama?
As we all know by now, fraud and other irregularities have been thriving in the "green jobs" business in Europe for several years now. Why indeed should the situation be different in the US?
Science enters desert debate : Nature News
United Nations considers creating advisory panel on land degradation akin to IPCC.
Dire warning over Arctic sea ice melt - Telegraph
"We're getting close, but there's still the potential for further loss of ice," said Walt Meier, a research scientist at the Boulder, Colorado-based National Snow and Ice Data Centre.
Climate Common Sense: The Real Green Agenda!
It is as if the Soviet Union never happened and we are to go down the same path again but this time on a global scale from which the world will never be able to recover. For those who doubt the green agenda read on! These are the real greens , not the inner-city gullibles who get a warm fuzzy feeling from voting for that nice party that is saving the koala and the polar bear.


Anonymous said...


Just want to be the first to coin this term in case...

Anonymous said...

No offense, but can we please stop attaching the -gate suffix to every alleged scandal that rears its ugly head? It was cute the first two times, but the next 40 or 50 were lame and unimaginative. It attaches an overused, tired cliche' to otherwise serious issues, automatically relegating said issues to the "nothing-to-see-here" file for a LOT of people.