Monday, October 10, 2011

Arctic Has Gained One Manhattan Of Ice Every 30 Seconds For The Last 30 Days | Real Science
This is due to cold weather, right at the 1958-2002 mean.
100/500 Year Floods : Every Few Weeks | Real Science
One of the big lies of 2011 is the claim that “the new normal is 100 year floods every year”

I did some searching in news archives and found out that 100 year floods have been reported constantly, ever since someone thought the term up.
[From 2006, here's an incredibly stupid global warming hoax video]: Blue Man Group on Global Warming
Please note, that in the event of continued inaction in the face of global warming - your seat cushion can be used as a flotation device. Please take a moment to locate this planet's emergency exits. As you can see, there aren't any!
Oliver: Polluters mislead on global warming | Springfield News-Leader |
[I] close with a quote from Peter Doran, University of Illinois professor of earth and environmental services, "The debate on the authenticity of global warming and the role played by human activity is nonexistent among those who understand the nuances and scientific basis of long time climate processes."   [What are the names of the people who allegedly understand these nuances?]

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