Monday, October 17, 2011

Articles: America's Orwellian Liberalism
the country's energy shortages could not conceivably exist with an informed citizenry that is aware of how well-connected environmental activists have prevented production in resources where North America dominates, such as coal, natural gas, and shale. Further, the massive propaganda campaign centering on anthropogenic global warming could not possibly succeed with an attentive public.

In short, "Ignorance is Strength" for Orwellian liberals; pierce it, and the whole century-old liberal-progressive project collapses in a heap of prevarications and pretense.
Twitter / @NASA
Keeping an eye on the ozone layer, climate change, weather and a whole lot more. (Yeah, it's what we do.)
Who Are the ‘Reality Checkers’ Kidding? » Climate Resistance
Curtis has just forgotten about 200 trillion cubic feet of gas, sitting under the North of England. She needs a reality check herself.
Pricing carbon from ground to consumer -US study | Energy & Oil | Reuters
To give an incentive to big fossil fuel extractors, like Saudi Arabia, to put a tax on oil aimed at reducing demand for oil, it would have to be clear that a tax would have to be imposed somewhere along the line, Davis said by telephone from Washington state.

"If that oil was going to be taxed when it was burned somewhere else, like the United States, then the Saudi Arabians would prefer to actually administer the tax and collect revenue that they could use at home rather than allow the revenue to be collected in the U.S.," Davis said.
Support for Ethanol is Still Unfortunately Bipartisan
true market-oriented politicians oppose interventions in our energy markets. However, those politicians are few and far between as politicians from both sides rarely have issue with sacrificing their alleged principles in order to support local constituencies or interest groups.

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