Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Athletes prod congress to fight global warming
The following link is a story about how our pro skiers are testifying to congress about how global warming has destroyed their ability to make a living. That is a little funny since we just came off the harshest winter in history and are now experiencing the earliest ski area opening in history...
The case(?) for climate change alarmism | Climate Etc.
JC summary: It seems that the case for climate change alarmism rests on the following dubious and arguable premises
The Case for Climate-Change Alarmism - Forbes
All things considered, alarmism seems like common sense to me.
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: The Iron Law in the UK
From the FT earlier this week is this remarkable graph on energy costs in the UK. Will there be a political consequence? If so, and it seems inevitable, when and what?
Arctic Ice Growth Fastest On Record | Real Science

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