Saturday, October 22, 2011

The decline and fall of "BIGBY Birding" illustrates the death of the global warming hoax

So back in 2008, birders decided that they could prevent bad weather by not using fossil-fueled vehicles to birdwatch.   They could help heal the planet by doing "Big Green Big Years (Bigby birding)".  It was exciting, they were heroic, and 379 posts at Birdforum followed!

By 2009, it was less exciting, they were less heroic, and only 25 posts were produced.

By 2011, this green fad was essentially over.

[379 posts] BIGBY Birding 2008 - BirdForum
It's fun, it's a challenge but most importantly, it sends out a message - leave the car at home!
[25 posts] BIGBY birding 2009 - BirdForum

[2 posts] Bigby birding 2010 - BirdForum

There is no Bigby birding 2011 thread.


Michael said...

No, it does not "illustrate the death of the global warming hoax" any more than the assassination of MLK Jr. is responsible for man walking on the moon a few months later. BIGBY was a fad. Most fads die out.

Jesse Ellis said...

Maybe people just don't want to comment in BirdForum? There are more and more people doing BIGBYs here in Wisconsin...

And I have to agree with Michael. Your argument is flawed.

Lo said...

I think what it illustrates best is desillusion.
Many birders simply do not believe there is something that can be done. There is NO "global warming hoax". Emissions ARE catastrophic. But there'll always be a Tom Nelson somewhere to argue that the problem doesn't exist, and humanity will continue to emit every year more than what the ecosphere can fix... Whatever we do at an individual scale, and until all of the Earth's petrol has been burnt.
As long as we keep emitting more than the ecosphere can fix, the excess stays in the atmosphere. Forever. In the long term, "a bit more" or "a lot more" takes us to the same end result.