Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dream on: Fraudster Al hopes that the Muller study will cause skeptics to "join me in pushing our government, and governments around the world, to take steps to solve the climate crisis"

Al's Journal : Koch Brother funded Study Confirms Climate Data
With the evidence reconfirmed (again), I would hope that skeptics would rethink their position and join me in pushing our government, and governments around the world, to take steps to solve the climate crisis.


Anonymous said...

Hey Al, It's snowing in my state today already. The only Climate Crisis is when the elitists of the world try to tell the rest of us how to live our lives--even though what they preach is not the way for THEIR lives. Give it up Al. Find a hot beach and open a Corona. Maybe you will find enlightenment that way.

Brian Johnson UK said...

What Al really said was "join me in pushing our government/governments around the world to take steps to make me more money via Climate Hysteria and Carbon Trading scams".

SE Pepper said...

Sorry, ALGORE, ain't happenin'--
We're on to MULLER just like we're on to YOU-- as big a fraud and swindler as they come. You failed miserably at your attempt to have a "climatethon" online-- now you're getting a co-conspirator (MULLER) to do your dirtywork for you. FAIL, AGAIN.