Monday, October 17, 2011

In Moscow, the snow comes every year, and every year it's a surprise | Miriam Elder | Comment is free | The Guardian
Moscow devotes more than £10m to the great battle against the snow annually – and every year it's a disaster
Weatherman Dave MacDonald doesn't believe in climate change - YouTube
At an all-candidates forum for the Kitchener-Centre riding, CFTO weatherman and PC party candidate Dave MacDonald disagrees with research about climate change.
APNewsBreak: Judge blocks polar bear rule - US news - Environment -
WASHINGTON — A federal judge has thrown out a principal section of an Interior Department rule that had declared global warming is threatening survival of the polar bear.
Is Climate Fatigue Setting In? | The Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media
Krosnicks’s observation that climate science has become an “old story” is likely contributing to public fatigue. Let’s face it: even the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have long fallen off the front pages and the nightly news broadcasts (except when there are major events or policy shifts). Some in the media have tried to make global warming more topical by linking recent catastrophic disasters (such as floods and wildfires) to climate change. The challenge they face here may lie in doing so without editors’ and the public’s concluding that too is “old news.”

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