Friday, October 21, 2011

Interesting suggestion from BBC warmist Richard Black: You know what was the dominant influence on global mean temperature during 42 of the 72 years ending in 1976? Not CO2

BBC News - Climate study raises 'heated debate'
I had a chat with Michael Schlesinger, the University of Illinois professor who discovered the AMO along with Natalia Andronova in 1994.

Research he and others have done since shows clearly, he said, that "while the AMO was the dominant influence on global mean temperature during 1904-1944 and 1944-1976, it is not the dominant influence over the entire observational record, 1850 to 2010.

"Over this time period, it is the increase in the concentrations of greenhouse gases caused by humanity's burning of fossil fuels that is the dominant cause of the observed warming."
The sceptical blogosphere has been unusually quiet - disappointingly quiet, you might say.

James Delingpole, Jo Nova, ClimateAudit... nothing.
A number of journalists in the mainstream media appear to regard Watts Up With That and other blogs of the same ilk as a gushing tap of stories - and if Mr Watts believes journalists should not report science that's not peer-reviewed, perhaps he could pick up the phone and have a word with them.

1 comment:

Mick J said...

Maybe Richard Black was applying some misdirection due to a statement in one of the BEST documents
"On the other hand, some of the long-term change in the AMO could be driven by natural variability, e.g. fluctuations in thermohaline flow. In that case the human component of global warming may be somewhat overestimated."