A Jobs Program...Government Style - Stossel's Take Blog - Fox Business
When my staff contacted the EPA to ask about this, the EPA sent links to two blogs (here and here) which they say debunk the Daily Caller report that blew the lid off this story earlier this week.Hansen rakes it in | Watts Up With That?
But they didn't answer the question: Where exactly would the EPA draw the line in terms of who has to file for the permits? And why should bureaucrats have that much authority?
I won't hold my carbon dioxide waiting for them to answer.
“That Dr. Hansen very well may be the country’s first millionaire bureaucrat — thanks to this flood of outside income since 2006 all clearly related to his public employment – raises similar questions,” Horner said. “Given his high profile and the significant role attributed to him in the climate debate, his and NASA’s own record on this front should generate at least as much interest.”Twitter / @squalllive
The protesters living outside in lower Manhatten will quit as soon a global warming ends and winter begins.How the US's Climate of Opinion Changed | Standpoint
it is irresponsible and foolish to commit to policies that will cost people trillions of dollars on the basis that you can trust scientists. People in authority are of course often trustworthy, but the prudent course is to assume that they are not. President Reagan's motto for dealing with the Soviet leaders is more generally appropriate: "Trust, but verify." One of the most obvious characteristics of many of the leading scientists who are promoting global warming alarmism is their unwavering resistance to all attempts to verify their conclusions.
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