Thursday, October 27, 2011

NOAA blames greenhouse gases for half of increased Mediterranean dryness; other unspecified processes for other half. Warmist Revkin buys it

Revkin:  NOAA study finds Human-caused climate change major...
NOAA study finds Human-caused climate change major factor in more frequent Mediterranean droughts. This is important work, finding a significant greenhouse signal amid plentiful natural variability.
Climate change from greenhouse gases explained roughly half the increased dryness of 1902-2010, the team found. This means that other processes, none specifically identified in the new investigation, also have contributed to increasing drought frequency in the region.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Climate change from greenhouse gases explained roughly half the increased dryness of 1902-2010, the team found. "

Looks like the "safe" level of 350 ppm of CO2 isn't all that 'safe' given that we hit 350 ppm around 1987.