Tuesday, October 25, 2011

NOAA chief Lubchenco hates our grandchildren: When asked about oil and gas exploration being part of a positive feedback loop, she LAUGHS

Jane Lubchenco Exclusive: 'We Don't Fully Understand The Consequences' Of Drilling The Arctic | ThinkProgress
TP GREEN: One of the things that people are talking about was the question of Arctic sea ice decline and positive feedbacks. Is it fair to characterize oil and gas exploration that’s opened up because of declining sea ice in the Arctic and thus increasing the amount of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere, is that reasonable to call that another positive feedback loop –

LUBCHENCO: [Laughter.]

TP GREEN: — another manmade feedback?

LUBCHENCO: That’s an interesting way to frame it. You know, I think regardless of that the challenges are how do you provide clean energy for the country that addresses our energy security needs while also addressing the realities of climate change. And they’re really in a transition now and there are a lot of different things to be balanced.
TP GREEN: Is it fair to say that increased production of oil and gas means less sea ice?

LUBCHENCO: Yes, absolutely.
That’s what’s driving the –

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