Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The PJ Tatler » JMH Fact Checks Red State on Romney’s Environmental Record

There may be plenty not to like in the picture of Romney which emerges from closer inspection of the less agenda driven sources, but I do think the right has been developing a kneejerk tendency to throw any commitment to conservation and environmental protection out with the bath water of climate change and endangered species anti-business, distributionist politics.  Context and timing really are important here:
While "Mr. Romney made it clear he believed in human-caused global warming and wanted a policy response," there are two salient caveats worth voicing.  The first is pointed out by the WSJ, "At the time, many conservatives were open to a cap-and-trade system, seeing it as a market-driven solution to limiting emissions."  The second is that all of this took place before global warming skepticism had even crossed the public radar.  As a marker that folks who have been following the climate change controversy might appreciate, Watt's Up With That only opened its doors — as a self-described "useful trivia" blog! — in November 2006, a mere 6 weeks before Romney left office."

1 comment:

papertiger said...

Here's something else JMH should consider. The global warming marketing scam was and is so egregious and all encompassing, with wholesale censorship by formerly open forums,, that Anthony Watts was forced to create his own platform in order to give voice to what is proving to be a universally popular exasperation with the blatant crookedness of the thing.

Romney hopping on board the gravy train pre-AIT speaks volumes about his lack of judgement.
We don't need another fool in the White House. We can't afford another fool in the WH. We won't survive another crook in the White House.

The jury is out which one he is, but it's definitely one or the other.