Thursday, October 20, 2011

The PJ Tatler » Romney’s Bad Appointments Are Starting to Add Up
So we’ve learned over the past few days that a trio of Mitt Romney’s chosen advisers helped the Obama administration craft ObamaCare. And on top of that, that Gov. Romney sought the advice of Malthusian green activist John Holdren, when Romney was considering a cap and trade regime for Massachusetts. Holdren hails from the radical side of the green and AGW movement. Today, Ed Morrissey points out that Romney also worked on that same cap and trade idea with Douglas Foy. Another global warming proponent, Foy was a member of Romney’s cabinet, and helped out in crafting a vigorous cap and trade scheme for Massachusetts.
Though he takes pains to sound conservative now, over and over again, when he had real political power Mitt Romney appointed liberals to positions of influence and authority. Why? And shouldn’t he have to answer for his own record and actions in the only elective office he has ever held?

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