Wednesday, October 26, 2011

RealClimate: The Moscow Warming Hole
The main argument why Dole et al. conclude that climatic warming played no role in the Moscow heat record is because they found that there is no warming trend in July in Moscow.
Smart Grid Wiseup: Google and Microsoft Quietly Exit (energy efficiency vs. the hassle factor) — MasterResource
We all know that Google is incredibly future-oriented, and that, for all its problems, Microsoft, knows a lot about technology and markets. Why, then, did each shock the ‘smart grid’ movement by announcing the phaseout of their home energy metering and control technologies (Microsoft’s Hohm and Google’s EnergyMeter)?

The deep meaning of this is less about technology than it is about politics.
Even the Arctic is letting the Warmists down
It's really only the Antarctic that matters as 91% of the earth's glacial ice is found there. But the Antarctic is stubbornly refusing to show any overall melting. So the Warmists turn to the Arctic -- as it is subject to a number of influences (wind changes, variable ocean currents, subsurface vulcanism etc) that make it satisfyingly unstable. So by judiciously cherrypicking the data, Warmists have been able to assert that the Arctic is melting.

BUT: Even that applecart has now been upset. The latest research shows that a key glacier melted 1400 years ago (long before SUVS and power stations) and only reformed 800 years ago. So there is every indication that Arctic changes are natural too
Singer’s letter to WaPo on BEST | Watts Up With That?
The Berkeley results in no way confirm the scientifically discredited Hockeystick graph, which had been so eagerly adopted by climate alarmists. In fact, the Hockeystick authors have never published their temperature results after 1978. The reason for hiding them? It’s likely that their proxy data show no warming either.

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