Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Senate Democrats: Never Mind Global Warming, Its Extreme Weather - YouTube
Video is from a Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works hearing.
Duke’s Rogers: Wind Subsidies Yield Big Profits | National Legal and Policy Center
That 17-22 percent looks extremely attractive when compared to what utilities are usually allowed to earn on state-regulated retail electricity, which is approximately half what they earn on wholesale electricity sales. So it shouldn’t surprise that Duke invests heavily both in the lobbying that creates the high-subsidy/tax credit atmosphere, and then once the goodies are in place, then building and buying up all the facilities it can that will enable the company to take advantage of all the government giveaways.
Only 4% of consumers likely to be satisfied with today's electric vehicles
Deloitte surveyed 13,000 consumers from 17 countries in Asia, Europe and North America. The most shocking bit of data, perhaps, is Deloitte's discovery that less than four percent of consumers would be satisfied with today's electric vehicles. Of course, companies selling electric vehicles would probably be very excited to have a four percent market share, but that's another issue.

The problem is that even though most drivers commute less than 50 miles a day, the majority of survey respondents illogically want electric vehicles that can go hundreds of miles. For example, Deloitte says that, in the U.S., 63 percent of the respondents would be satisfied with a range of 300 miles. Even more out of touch with reality is that respondents believe a 300-mile electric should carry a price tag that's right in line with today's fossil fuel vehicles.
Germany’s Federal Environment Minister Dumps Cold Water On Global Climate Treaty Expectations
Indeed the Earth has not warmed in 13 years, tropical storm activity is near record lows. Atlantic hurricanes hitting the US coast? Aint seen a real one in 4 years. Global temperature? A whopping twenty hundredths above the (cold period) 1960-1990 normal, and falling.

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